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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Your Best is Best/Combo Feeding Story with Bobbie and Ashley Graham

Finalist in Multi-Platform Partnership

Audience Honor in Consumer Brand

Entered in Brand Awareness Campaign, Branded Content


Our objective for the Your Best is Best campaign, developed with the organic baby formula company Bobbie and featuring Ashley Graham, was to expand and normalize the conversation around the deeply personal topic of how we choose to feed our babies. We set out to destigmatize the concept of combo-feeding and give voice to the 70% of parents who use both breast milk and baby formula. With 64% of parents feeling judged for feeding their babies formula, our aim was to support and reassure parents that their best is best and whatever works for their baby and them is best


Strategy and Execution

Learning from superstar mom and model Ashley Graham about her journey feeding her twin boys, helped crystalize this campaign. Though Ashley’s experience was not uncommon for new moms, we knew the topic remained taboo in mainstream media. We recognized that sharing Ashley's story with our viewers in a deeply intimate way would be a key strategy of the campaign. To do this, we created clean, warm, and passion-filled pieces of content that illustrated Ashley's feeding story.

Our most powerful image (placed on billboards in New York and Los Angeles) showed her feeding one twin a bottle and the other her breast at the same time. We were direct and purposeful in demonstrating what this campaign was all about. 


With a Your Best is Best landing page, promotion of the video on Ashley's and Bobbie's socials, as well as two billboards on major intersections in New York City and Los Angeles, this campaign succeeded in making mothers and all parents feel seen in their choices. The campaign video on Ashley Graham's Instagram received over 5.8M views and the campaign received press write-ups in Vogue, AdWeek, and other media outlets. 


Video for Your Best is Best/Combo Feeding Story with Bobbie and Ashley Graham

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Full Picture Productions, Bobbie
