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Special Project

Special Project
From the 9th Annual Shorty Awards

Porsche "Sixteen" Social Activation

Finalist in Auto

Entered in Mobile Campaign, Facebook


The Porsche 911 has been the quintessential dream car for over 50 years. Think back to when you were sixteen. The 911 is the car you dreamed of. Many of us even had a poster of it on our bedroom walls. Each generation has a unique connection to the 911 model in production when they came of driving age. We sought out to provide a personalized online experience to bring back the idea of the poster on the wall and reintroduce fans to the 911 they originally fell in love with.

Strategy and Execution

We created six Facebook Canvas ads, each one a deep-dive into a different 911 model. And we targeted Facebook users with the 911 that was in production at the time they were sixteen. The one they originally fell in love with. How? We used Facebook birthday data.

So what's a Canvas ad? It's a new Facebook ad unit optimized for mobile. In your feed, it looks like a regular post. Once you click into it, it functions more like a mobile microsite. You can use the phone's accelerometer, video, sound, and create image carousels.


Within days of launch, fans across generations commented and shared the units, expressing their affinity for the 911. From one user, "I really DID dream about it when I was 16." And another, "A car that was ahead of its time and still is today." In total, Sixteen received nearly 15MM impressions and saw over 2MM video views.


Video for Porsche "Sixteen" Social Activation

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Cramer-Krasselt, Porsche Cars North America, Inc.

Entry Credits