For years, Barretos Cancer Hospital carried on its name a disease that scares and repels. In 2016, we took off "cancer" from the hospital's name to call it officially "Hospital de Amor". Our main objective now was to communicate this change.
To introduce Hospital de Câncer de Barretos' new name, Hospital de Amor (Hospital of Love), we created a 3-minute animated movie telling the story of a little girl who "feel the floor falling down" when she discovers she has cancer. But the love of her parents, her puppy and the doctors changes the course of the fall. The film was launched on movie theaters, TV and social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
Our film quickly went viral on WhatsApp and got impressive results on Facebook (more than 420k shares and 18,5 million organic views). Also, "The Fall" was highlighted in more than 150 websites and press around the world.