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Special Project

Special Project
From the 16th Annual Shorty Awards


Winner in Pharma & Healthcare

Finalist in Social Good Campaign, Fitness, Health, & Wellness

Silver Honor in Public Service Announcement


Cardiovascular diseases are the cause for 1 in every 3 deaths in women globally. This is largely due to decades of medical bias where women had been excluded from clinical trials due to the Thalidomide tragedy in the early 60's. This has left a twenty year medical gender data gap that is putting millions of women’s lives at risk, because what many don't know is that women experience heart attacks much differently to men. Our objective was then to expose and help close the medical gender data gap by spreading mass awareness of the issue and the lesser known signs of women's heart attacks. Then additionally to work with companies to help gather data from women for clinical trials that will help in cardiovascular research and save their futures. So our idea came to life as the 'Mis[s]diagnosed' campaign. Where we sent one Arab woman aka 'Mis[s]diagnosed to meet pharmacists, home call-out nurses, medical professionals, doctors, ER emergency professionals and cardiovascular specialists, across the Gulf region exhibiting the lesser know signs of women's heart attacks. 83% failed to spot the signs. To deliver a life saving jolt to women and medical professionals across the region, we packaged Mis[s]diagnosed’s research inside specially designed medical Awareness Aid Kits. These kits were sent to key Arabic women of influence, doctors, cardiologosts and health care professionals throughout the region who then spread the Mis[s]diagnosed story to millions more. Helping to gain mass awareness of the lesser known signs of women's heart attacks to expose and help close the medical gender data gap.

Strategy and Execution

We went with a phased strategic approach targeting Arab women, doctors, cardiologists and HCP's across the region.

Phase 1-We asked 4000 Arabic women if they knew the signs of a woman's heart attack – 97.4% didn't know the signs.

Phase 2-We sent one woman aka 'Mis[s]diagnosed' under-cover to meet medical professionals across the region; exhibiting the lesser known signs of female heart attacks - 83% missed her signs.

Phase 3-We packaged the data and her story inside specially designed 'Awareness Aid kits' to expose the medical gender data gap.

Phase 4-Sent the kits to Arabic women of influence, doctors and 100’s of HCP's across the region urging them to share the signs.

Phase 5-Fully integrated awareness campaign through influencers sharing our message to #KnowTheSigns, in addition to social media placements, on-ground HCP events & seminars at teaching hospitals.

Phase 6-Working with 1000’s of companies to encourage women to give us the data to protect their futures.

What made our work, work, was the data, real patient stories of misdiagnosis and the Mis[s]diagnosed story itself. Not just these elements alone, but how we delivered these truths to women across the Middle East - inside specially designed 'Awareness Aid Kits' - these were modernised versions of the traditional First Aid Kit that we sent to influencers, doctors and HCP's. These packs were unique, in that that they delivered our story through an in-built audio with a stethoscope as a listening device. These packs were immersive and experiential and were complelling enough so that Arab women of influence, doctors, cardiologists and HCP would share them as unboxing videos on their social channels. As they shared this unboxing they also shared the Mi[s]sdiagnosed story, the data and the lesser known signs of women's heart attacks. They would also urge followers to #KnowTheSings and share the signs with everyone they knew, spreading our message even further across Kuwait, Bahrain, Lebanon, Egypt, KSA and UAE. Thanks to these influencers who gave their time and their platforms for free we were able to spread mass awareness and expose the medical gender data gap to millions of women. 


People and Institutions who campaigned for us for free:

3 Teaching hospitals

12 International Heart Foundations/charities

37 Women of influence

100’s of doctors, medical professionals & cardiologists


Campaign reach:

28.7 million


Campaign impact:

28 million women - Now aware of the early warning signs

+24% Brand Engagement (Social Engagement for Organon)

+17% more women - Showed interest in clinical trails (during the month of the campaign)

1 woman’s life saved - Millions more to go #KnowTheSigns


Proof of engagement: 

Number of interactions - 2.1K
Owned media results - 70 posts published, 1.59M Reach.


Campaign cost:

$60,000 dollars


To further combat the gender data gap and address the misrepresentation of women in clinical trials, Mis[s]diagnosed's story is helping Pharma and healthcare companies diversify their clinical trials and ensure more inclusive treatment innovations via via IPG Health's 'Trial for the #ClinicalEquality Initiative'.


Video for Mis[s]diagnosed

Entrant Company / Organization Name

MullenLowe MENA McCann Health Middle East, Organon


Entry Credits