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Special Project

Special Project
From the 12th Annual Shorty Awards

Women Driving Auto Retail video contest

Entered in Contest or Promotion, Non-Profit, User-Generated Content


There has never been a more opportune time for women to enter the automotive retail industry and build a longstanding career. Nevertheless, the number of women working in dealerships has hovered around 19 percent of overall dealership employment. The #WomeninAutomotive video contest, part of NADA’s Women Driving Automotive Retail initiative, aims to amplify the current voices of women working in dealerships and encourage other women to pursue automotive careers.

Strategy and Execution

Now in its third year, the Women Driving Auto Retail video contest asks women working in the auto retail industry to submit videos of three minutes or less outlining their career path, why they love the auto retail industry and why other women should pursue a career in the industry.

During the four-month submission period, women are asked to submit their videos to and to post them publicly on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter with the hashtag: #WomenInAutomotive. More than 100 women submitted videos highlighting their incredible stories.

A team of NADA staff judges the video submissions on the following criteria: production quality, entertainment value, inspiration factor, impact, and message content.

At the conclusion of the contest, NADA announces 10 video semifinalists, each of whom receives a $500 gift card. The grand-prize winner is announced during NADA Show and receives a $1,000 gift card plus complimentary registration to the next year’s NADA Show along with a $1,000 travel stipend.

As the submission roll in, the contest is promoted through Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook, making for an impression on hundreds of thousands of followers. The campaign is also promoted via a blog series.


To date, more than 100 women have entered the Women Driving Auto Retail video contest, sharing inspiring videos of their lives in automotive retail, celebrating women who work in all areas of car or truck dealerships and spreading the message to other women about why they should pursue a career in auto retail. Part of the value is in the organic viewership from the social media audiences—the friends, the families, the coworkers and bosses--of those women who are submitting videos. Many of the submissions have very high production value and all resulted in hundreds to thousands of views from these women’s friend groups.


Video for Women Driving Auto Retail video contest

Entrant Company / Organization Name

National Automobile Dealers Association
