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Special Project

Special Project
From the 10th Annual Shorty Awards

Intel Q4 '17 Refresh Co-Created Content: FMG & Vox

Entered in Technology, Multi-Platform Campaign, Branded Content


Consumers are apathetic to the PC category overall and believe their outdated PCs are "good enough." We needed to convince the modern mom that her family deserves better than a troublesome old computer by breaking through the holiday clutter, and help her justify purchasing a new PC.

Strategy and Execution

Intel partnered with Fusion Media Group to launch a new vertical, Catapult, which lived within the FMG ecosystem, designed to help modern moms create memorable family experiences and answer tech-focused questions in a quick, digestible and non-intimidating way. With FMG's help we hired a dedicated editorial staff to create a robust mix of shareable content designed to provide "how-to" gifting ideas for the holidays. The goal: help justify a new PC purchase to mom. Custom content consisted of a 5x part co-created custom video series, 7x part custom editorial posts, editorial and organic and paid social promotion. Mom influencers were activated alongside their kids to create fun and engaging videos that showed mom how to deliver the best holiday gift experience for her family. The family situations depicted also aligned to existing Intel passion pillars. Modern Moms were seen as the family hero by gifting the fast and powerful Lenovo laptop, that in turn unlocked all of the amazing experiences of other hot ticket gifts like drones, 3D printers, music and video programs and more. Content was distributed and amplified across FMG's ecosystem including sites like Jezebel, Lifehacker and Gizmodo properties, social channels, as well as influencer's blogs and social pages.

Intel also partnered with Vox & The Verge to create an interactive holiday Get Guide, an unconventional gift guide that housed editorial content and a 4-part video series of select emerging kid talent and their moms to help showcase the transformative power a new Intel PC can have on families, creating memorable moments and delivering amazing experiences. We continued the theme of product-as-experience by demonstrating the PC's synergistic role with other products. Content was distributed across Vox network, Concert as well as influencer social channels.


With over 4.6MM page views in 6.5 weeks, Catapult was one of the most successful site launches in FMG history. We garnered close to 1.1MM Youtube views on the first co-created video alone. The industry standard for average time spent on a page is 132 seconds, and each of the Custom Editorial Posts outperformed benchmark at approximately 200 seconds each. Overall video view rate was 75.5% vs. 40% benchmark. In totality, the campaign generated 4.1MM+ video views and 4.6MM page views on editorial. (Pending partner sales data)

The interactive Get Guide content was viewed over 13.2MM times across On-Page, On-Platform and Social Distribution. Top 2x performing video pieces of content garnered upwards of 2.3MM Video Views. Overall the campaign generated an Average Time Spent of 2:21 (26% lift over VoxCreative Avg).

Overall FMG & Vox combined, the campaign garnered a positive lift for 4-12 months at 8.6 ppt Purchase Intent lift.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

OMD, The Content Collective, Resolution Media, Intel


Entry Credits