The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Awards

#CHANGESOMETHING with the Double Exposure Palette

Finalist in IRL Activation, Fashion, Beauty & Luxury


Yes, our new Double Exposure Palette -- 14 wet/dry shadows that change when activated with water -- is very innovative (every shadow changes in a different way!). And yes, the palette is a great buy because you actually get 28 shades from just 14 shadows. But to launch our biggest product of the year, our objective was to get our consumers to really feel the power of change, in hopes that our #CHANGESOMETHING message would resonate beyond just makeup.

So we gave consumers a simple tool (via a microsite and mobile site) that changed one of their own photos into a beautiful double-exposed image. Then we digitally projected their double exposures high above the lights of L.A. -- from Hollywood to Venice to Downtown and beyond -- to help convey the message that she does indeed have the power to #CHANGESOMETHING, whether that means something as major as starting a new venture, or something as minor as wearing a bolder eye shadow look.

The response was phenomenal. In our first Facebook post promoting the experience, we received nearly 40,000 likes, 500 comments and 800 shares -- from just ONE post alone. Follow-up posts across all of our social platforms performed well, too. Overall, more than 15,000 double-exposed images were created by our consumers; more than 4,000 images were projected each night over the course of several weekends; the microsite and mobile site received more than 100,000 visits; and in the first month of the campaign, the palette sold 200% to plan.

Strategy and Execution

Empowerment is often an overused word in the beauty industry, so it was important to us to move beyond simply marketing "at" her with empowering messages. We wanted to physically show our consumers that she does indeed have the power to #CHANGESOMETHING.

And when she saw herself digitally projected onto buildings all over L.A., she let us know that she did feel empowered. Our social platforms were filled with comments about how "rad" this experience was, and consumer-generated quotes like, "Even the smallest light can make a difference in the darkest night," started appearing with #CHANGESOMETHING posts. It wasn't just about the shadows in the Double Exposure Palette changing shades anymore -- it was now about her.


Video for #CHANGESOMETHING with the Double Exposure Palette

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Smashbox Cosmetics & Ludomade
