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Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Awards

5 Days of Equality

Entered in Twitter Campaign, Hashtag


Over 5 days, the world recognized the marriages of 31 same-sex couples in Australia.

Strategy and Execution

December 7, 2013 was the first day in Australian history that same-sex couples could marry. But only five days later the Federal Government overturned the ruling in the High Court - and 31 marriages were made invalid. GLAAD wanted to bring attention to this injustice and fuel the conversation around marriage equality.

One year later, GLAAD asked people around the world to recognize these couples' marriage in the simplest and most positive way possible – by wishing them a happy anniversary. Many of the messages, which used the hashtag #FiveDaysofEquality, were transcribed into handwritten cards for the couples to read at a special event.

A historic window of time that would have been forgotten became International news. From Buzzfeed to traditional publications like The Australian, this global show of support made headlines. And with no paid support whatsoever, the message was seen over 35 million times on social media platforms.


Video for 5 Days of Equality

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