A fictional site created by Tobias Fünke, (former doctor, current “actor" played by David Cross) designed to function as his online acting reel video and photo content featuring six costumed characters played by Cross. Each character is presented on greenscreen, allowing fans to download the content and insert Tobias into their favorite movie, online video or photo. InsertMeAnywhere.biz Case Study To celebrate the new season of Arrested Development, we wanted to give fans a chance to interact with their favorite character, Dr. Tobias Funke, in a revolutionary new way. The question was, how could we combine the community’s love of generating content with Tobias’s flare for double entendre? We built InsertMeAnywhere.biz, a fictional site created by Tobias Fünke, (former doctor, current “actor" played by David Cross) designed to function as his online acting reel. The site consists of green screen video and photo content featuring six costumed characters played by Cross. Since each character is presented on a green screen, fans were able to download the content and insert Tobias into their favorite movie, online video or photo. To inspire content creation, Tobias created his own “Sizzling Reel" a video mashup of his acting talents, that was promptly tweeted out by Ron Howard. Fans and media outlets created a frenzy of user-generated photos, videos and gifs featuring Tobias — from secret handshakes with fans to cameos in popular music videos and current events. Tobias made it into the Brokeback Mountain trailer, 50 Cent and Daft Punk videos, scenes from Bravest Warrior, even Capcom had him battle bosses from their classic games.