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Special Project

Special Project
From the 1st Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

Fueling Donations for National Give OUT Day!

Finalist in Pro Bono, Social Justice

Entered in Contest or Promotion


National Give OUT Day (NGOD) is the only national day of giving for the LGBTQ community, but it's a relatively young and unknown event. To build awareness for the event, the Horizons Foundation enlisted the help of Clever Girls.

Strategy and Execution

Clever Girls created a comprehensive social media toolkit for any and all non-profit LGBTQ organizations who wished to participate in NGOD. The kit was designed to help the organizations leverage their social channels, build awareness for the event, and maximize giving. The custom toolkit included:

In addition, Clever Girls hosted a 60-minute Social Media Best Practices webinar for participating LGBTQ organizations featuring content from our social media toolkit.

In the days leading up to National Give OUT Day, Clever Girls sent out emails to well-known LGBTQ influencers and advocates asking them to share the Give OUT day message to their audiences – rallying additional support far and wide across the web. The rally additional support and generate even more excitement, Clever Girls enlisted the help of our own expansive network, encouraging our influencers to get the word out about NGOD. And of course, they rose to the occasion!

Finally, on August 2nd, Give OUT Day, Clever Girls held a massive "Twitter Party" co-hosted by the Horizons Foundation, to drive traffic to the donations page and spread widespread awareness using the #GiveOUTDay hashtag.


The results were astounding. Give OUT Day received more than $500K record-breaking dollars in donations for 300+ organizations during the event. In addition, #GiveOUTDay received:

  • Over 12,000 individual social posts
  • 22,333 engagements
  • 68 million Potential Impressions
  • And donations increased by $20,000 during the hour-long #GiveOUTDay Twitter Party


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Clever Girls, Horizons Foundation


Entry Credits