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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

The Long Road From Field to Track

Entered in Auto, Long Form Video


The agency's primary goals with the project were to get Porsche to publish our user generated content, help diverse NFL athletes partner with an international brand, and inspire viewers to work towards their dreams.  

Driving dreams cars with buddies in Malibu is more than just a fun day in the sun. It's symbolic of the long road and sacrifices it took to fulfill such a dream. The mission of the creative work was to inspire and motivate others through the Porsche Legend. 

The film not only showcases the beauty and performance of Porsche cars, in alignment with Porsche's mission, the film highlights openness and diversity as well. The car hobby brings together people from all walks of life, as a film featuring black men and produced by black men, we feel strongly that this content will bridge even more gaps. 

We knew the NFL athletes had large platforms and followings of their own; however, not much compares to the international reach of Porsche, and their 26 million collective followers worldwide. We had a goal of getting published by Porsche, so we created a gameplan (pun intended) buckled up (also pun intended) and set out on a creative journey. 

Strategy and Execution

This wasn't a just low budget film, this was a "no-budget" film. All hard cost were covered by the talent and creators themselves. This was a passion project at its finest.

Eric, Byron, and Danielle are NFL athletes who meet up once a year with their high-performance Porsche cars to drive the beautiful canyon roads of California. Filmed in just one day, it is a candid time full of humor, inspiration, cars, and family (Not mentioning our cinematographer getting car sick or the producer getting lost in the canyon).

We edited the stories of Byron, Eric, and Danielle through the lens of the Porsche ethos. As mentioned before, our goal was publication by Porsche; however, we never had contact with anyone at the brand. Therefore, we used independent studying and research to learn the ethos of the Porsche brand and messaging and worked hard to match it. 

After postproduction concluded, the real worked began on how to get Porsche to publish our user generated long form content. After countless DM's, emails, and IM's, we finally received a corresponds from an individual. We worked the lead for several weeks and was finally able to secure a 15-minute discovery call with Porsche's marketing in firm based in Salzburg, Austria.

The meeting was a success, but the work was far from over. We then went on to meet with Porsche representatives, which was no easy feat as our team and their team combined to cross 4 different times zones, 3 countries, and 4 states. 

After 7 months, 3 lawyers, and about 10 edited versions, we finally saw our long form user generate content go live on the global Porsche channels (YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram).

The content was published on Thanksgiving 2022 and 1 month later, the YouTube video has over 275k views and over 195k likes collectively on the Instagram posts. 


Porsche will publish our user generated content: check

Help diverse NFL athletes partner with an international brand: check

Inspire others to work for their dreams? Well, that has been the best part of the entire process. Reading the YouTube comments made the 7 months of toil and hard work worth it.

"Simply wonderful! As the gentleman pointed out, it takes realize your dreams. We are currently in the process of moving to the stage where we can buy a Porsche sports car...I'm so grateful for the stress and the four years of sacrifice that shaped me into the man that I am today. I am happy that the work is starting to pay off..." - Jonathan Quinn 

"I love stories like this. Especially hearing him talk about phases. It takes time but man is it worth it when you finally get what you set out for. Particularly for us car nerds, when you can actually hear and feel and connect with your accomplishment on the road in a way that a lot of other material milestones can’t resonate. Well done gents" - DailyDriven

We are a small agency of 7 friends trying to make cool content. In each meeting with Porsche we were the David to Goliath; they had more people in a meeting than made up our entire team. Even amid the imposter syndrome, we had a goal, a dream, and nothing was going to stop us along the way. Safe to say, dream accomplised. 


Video for The Long Road From Field to Track

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Aume Media | Travis Ellison Productions, Porsche


Entry Credits