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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Amazon Fashion Gift Guide Helpline

Finalist in Regional Campaign

Silver Honor in Live Video

Entered in Retail & E-Commerce


Ever get that last minute panic the week before the holidays when you realise that you still don’t know what gifts to buy your loved ones?  

Amazon Fashion was the go-to destination for gifts during the 2022 holiday season - from the latest new item for your trendy brother to a beauty package for your makeup obsessed daughter - Amazon Fashion had everyone covered.

The brand’s target audience just didn’t know it. Yet.

We needed to reach and engage them to consider Amazon Fashion as a big box of gifts by launching an exciting creator-led campaign across Europe.

Strategy and Execution

Our target audiences have three things in common:

  1. They’re either Millennial or Gen Z.

  2. They’re spread across five EU markets (UK, France, Italy, Spain, Germany).

  3. They’re very active on social media.

And, after watching their social media habits, we noticed something else they have in common: those who watch livestreams or holiday-based videos are 30% more likely to plan early for the holidays.

Our IDEA was to reach our audiences where they spend the most time, the hub of holiday activity: TikTok. This is where we’d introduce the Amazon Fashion Gift Guide Helpline -  live advice and gift ideas ahead of the festive season.


The Amazon Fashion Gift Guide Helpline was a live entertainment event across five markets via TikTok with a festive frosting of social commerce.

To bring the TikTok livestreams to life, we sourced five charismatic creators (one per country) with the same demographics and interests as our target audiences.

Pre: Reach & Awareness

They pre-promoted their livestreams with videos in which they opened the line for gift guide questions from their audiences.

We supported these videos with paid ads. But not any paid ads, we added interactive overlays like Polls and Countdown Stickers which really ignited conversation and created a sense of urgency.

During: Engagement & Intent

The comments helped shape the 40-60 minute livestreams which were also full of live questions and engagement. The creators shared personal stories about their own gifting struggles and built rapport. They provided advice and inspiration on fashion trends. They also delighted the viewers with a few merry prizes from the Amazon Fashion online store.

Post: Retain Hype & Drive to Site

After the live event we further amplified our message by dark posting (not posted from the brand’s channel) 15 second cut-downs of the livestreams across TikTok to drive more traffic to Amazon Fashion’s website (275k link clicks).

And finally we partnered with seven different and diverse, fashion forward creators across the 5 markets to share gift guide ideas to activate visits to Amazon Fashion. 



Video for Amazon Fashion Gift Guide Helpline

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Whalar, Amazon Fashion


Entry Credits