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Special Project

Special Project
From the 14th Annual Shorty Awards

Using AI and Real-World Data to Hyper-Target Heart Patients

Finalist in Creative Use of Technology

Entered in Artificial Intelligence, Pharma & Healthcare


Mitral regurgitation (MR), where a leaky valve causes some of your blood to leak backward into the heart, is a common/degenerative condition that affects nearly 1 in 10 people over age 75. If untreated, it can progress to heart failure/death. In severe cases, surgery can repair or replace the valve. If patients are not candidates for surgery, doctors can implant a clothespin-like device called a MitraClip that helps the valve close more completely and improve blood flow.

Because many patients with chronic mitral regurgitation are asymptomatic or their symptoms are often attributed to non-related cardiac conditions, MR is rarely diagnosed and often goes untreated. Patients remain on pharmaceutical treatments that don’t address the underlying cause of MR. 

Historically, medical device companies have promoted their products through physicians/surgeons, either because the condition it addressed or the device itself – or both – were too complicated to explain to patients in 30 or 60 seconds. 

Abbott, maker of MitraClip, decided to break with tradition and engage directly with patients, directing them to a physician to find out whether they qualified for the device, which can offer almost immediate relief from the debilitating symptoms of MR and ultimately save lives.


Strategy and Execution




Hyper-targeting key to high KPIs 

Reaching the right patients via the right channel at the right time


Using AI and real-world data to hyper-target patients, the campaign was enormously successful in meeting objectives of encouraging patients to learn more about their disease and driving them to clinics that had the capability to insert the Mitraclip.

From December 2020 to January 2022 (results that can be shared to date):

The campaign was so successful that Abbott plans to continue using this approach leveraging real-world data to target patient populations that would benefit from life-saving medical devices.


Video for Using AI and Real-World Data to Hyper-Target Heart Patients

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Real Chemistry, Abbott


Entry Credits