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Special Project

Special Project
From the 14th Annual Shorty Awards

Take on Anything with Facebook Groups

Entered in Insights & Trends, Multi-Platform Campaign, Multicultural Community Engagement


Our ambition was to show the world the unique, people powered value hidden inside Facebook Groups. To show them how their feeds would change into a place brimming with inspiration after they joined just a few. So with the world in need of mass wellness, we decided the best way to do this would be to share unique forms of self-care that only our users in Facebook Groups could inspire. This campaign asked our audience to explore the boundaries of what they were comfortable with when it came to taking care of themselves. To learn new things, build new skills and improve themselves - with the help of others. Ultimately to be more. Together.

Strategy and Execution

With the brand under fire in the press, Facebook Groups chose to spark a conversation with the young adult audience who were challenging the role social media played in their lives. We were led by an enlightening audience insight: that these socially-native digital nomads were so comfortable online they were in fact hacking our own platforms to match their own needs. Over a year into pandemic living, and Facebook Groups were acting more like people-powered support networks than hobbyist communities, so we worked to amplify this beautifully unexpected behavior. 

Because this audience spends very little time in any one media environment, moving fluidly across apps and platforms within the digital landscape, we chose to highlight uniquely relevant Facebook Groups and tell their story across the widest-possible range of media.

Rather than “talking at them,” the campaign served as a series of social tools placed across digital channels, each execution built to serve as another piece of shareable education or inspiration reminding our audience that they didn’t need to take on life’s biggest challenges alone.


Our campaign ran during a moment where brand skepticism was nearing an all-time high, yet our work landed in culture with another all-time high for message believability and breakthrough. In fact it was the first campaign for Meta’s entire family of apps where we exceeded internal benchmarks for brand linkage, breakthrough and message pull through. 

With a broad audience of 160M+ 18-29 year olds, we attribute our success to cultural relevancy and authentic storytelling. By serving our audience an unexpected, yet honest view of Facebook Groups we were able to not just earn their attention, but help them see the brand as a tool to connect with like minded individuals in times of need. This work started with deep audience understanding, which helped us choose meaningful groups and behaviors, and ended with storytelling that inspired positive change.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Creative X, Meta - Facebook


Entry Credits