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Special Project

Special Project
From the 11th Annual Shorty Awards

Every Second Counts

Entered in Technology, Multi-Platform Campaign


IBM Business Resiliency Services is a global network of expert consultants who help IT Leaders and their organizations manage evolving cyber risks and mitigate the impact of breaches. With industry analysts advocating that businesses recognize "it's no longer a matter of if a data breach is going to occur but when," IBM sought to launch a bold campaign to further solidify leadership in this emerging market.

Strategy and Execution

We wanted to provoke an emotional connection to the urgency of business resilience in an unexpected and attention-grabbing manner. Videos about managing cyber disruption were identified as a critical element to stop time-stretched CIOs in their tracks and drive engagement. IDC research indicates that the average cost of a business' downtime exceeds $200,000 per hour. We used this insight and focused on "speed-to-recovery" as our creative strategy culminating in two short films featuring rapid recovery scenarios in finance and logistics companies, respectively.

The teams recognized that accuracy, authenticity and believability for each cyber disruption scenario would be a critical success factor. Therefore, each video story was based on a true story and grounded in technical expertise. During weekly scripting calls, lead technical engineers and consultants worked with the creative team to accurately ground the stories in true complications and processes.

Promotional video trailers, GIFs, and social tiles were activated on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, targeting CIOs and IT Leaders and driving to the campaign landing page featuring the full videos.

Further activation aligned with thought leadership articles on and The campaign page promoted anchor research from IDC and the Ponemon Institute to drive lead generation.

Engaged viewers were retargeted to promote progression through an educational journey that served industry-leading research about the extent of risk in all industries and markets, along with the new tools and processes available to manage such risk. The research was teased as infographics and ultimately accessed fully by submitting contact information for IBM to contact for further discussions.

The videos were also featured prominently in presentations and booths at events hosted by Gartner, DRJ, AWS, IBM and others.


LinkedIn Results

Paid video promotion

Facebook: 4.78M Impressions, 500k Engagements

Organic Social Promotion
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn: 195.8K Impressions, 2,872 clicks

Site Engagement

~17% site engagement rate


Video for Every Second Counts

Entrant Company / Organization Name

IBM Originals
