With a time-traveling caveman sending him from “the New Yorks” into the future (and concurrently Mobile, AL), the sock puppet Periscope sensation traverses time writing speeding tickets. Mustachioed with dark sunglasses, tiny cop hat, and feisty antics, Sock Cop welcomes you “to the things.” Entertaining his international #SockFlock with “misguided adventures,” Sock Cop cooks grilled cheese sandwiches, campaigns for president with #SockCop2016, and pursues “speedas” with a “Wham-O! Ticket for you!” In addition to appearances on local news and at the Periscope Community Summit 2016, Sock Cop has added his #SockCast iTunes podcast and ventured into coffee retail, debuting his WHAMMO blend crafted by artisan roaster #BubbasBeans.