The warped and hilarious brainchild of LA-based director Jack Wagner, @versace_tamagotchi was born from a bet between friends at the end of 2015 to see who could get 10,000 followers first. Impressively, Jack won in two weeks, and in 2016 he easily surpassed 100K on Instagram. A sort of stream-of-consciousness feed from a deeply creative mind, one post (or many) might ridicule Donald Trump, with another showing a supercut of ridiculous interviews—Jack’s “personal version of hell.” One of his most successful posts of the year, rather, his magnum opus truly stood out: SVU: Seasonal Depression Unit. Defined by refined sarcasm, snark, and celebrity satire, @versace_tamagotchi holds nothing sacred, and is ready and willing to send-up every norm of modern millennial life.