Our mission is to find you the best products for our users. We believe in a simplified yet informative online shopping experience. You can use Gadget Flow to stay updated with the latest product releases and hottest crowdfunding projects. We curate, you discover.
Gadget Flow has featured more than 6,000 customers natively since 2012 and introduced their products to the Gadget Flow community. With 78% approval rate, each product that is being submitted on Gadget Flow gets evaluated from our team and if it meets our criteria we promote it to our community. We've helped thousands of crowdfunding campaigns get funded and thousands of companies boost their sales through our platform and apps.
97% Customer satisfaction, 4:1 Average ROI within 30 days, 6:1 Within 90 Days. We reach 25M people/mo and our users keep coming back daily/weekly to see our latest picks.