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Special Project

Special Project
From the 9th Annual Shorty Awards

Colorado State Football Players Try BeanBoozled

Entered in Humor


Behind the facemasks, Colorado State University football players are more than muscle and grit. They're people, and they hate disgusting jelly beans (especially the dog food flavor).

CSU wanted to showcase Rams football players' personalities and help our fans feel more connected to the team by establishing an emotional connection to the players and encouraging attendance at home games.

We found the answer in a purple jar of jelly beans.

Strategy and Execution

What better way to get authentic reactions from football players than to feed them something disgusting?

Football Players + Gross Jelly Beans = Magic.

BeanBoozled is a trendy game where players randomly choose jelly beans and don't know if they're going to eat a good flavor or bad…and children love it. We pulled the football captains off the field and put them in front of the camera to try out the game.

We shared the video on the heels of our homecoming victory.


BeanBoozled became our most popular post ever, reaching almost 2 million people organically on CSU's Facebook page alone. That's 2,323% more reach than our average Facebook post. Even big-time national media, including Yahoo Sports, ESPN College Football, and Fox Sports, got in on the BeanBoozled fun by embedding and sharing our video on their social channels and websites.

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Video for Colorado State Football Players Try BeanBoozled

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Colorado State University


Entry Credits