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Special Project

Special Project
From the 8th Annual Shorty Awards

LG Mobile USA

Entered in Facebook Presence


Primary goal: Increase brand awareness and favorability for LG Mobile among key audiences in 2015 by focusing on efficient and impactful content distribution.

Secondary goal: Turn LG USA Mobile into a true publisher.

Strategy and Execution

Laundry Service started by analyzing the LG Mobile and Android audiences across Facebook. We looked into their content consumption and engagement habits and saw a massive over-index in video content consumption from entertainment and lifestyle-focused publishers. Thus, we knew that in order to really get our audience's attention on Facebook, we had to act like those publishers by creating and distributing a high volume of entertainment-focused content. Fortunately, LG's devices are great for content capture, so we planned a series of video shoots produced entirely on LG devices, enabling us to focus on entertainment, but also tell a clear and powerful product story. Each production was informed by audience data. We knew our target was interested in photography, travel and various sports, especially action sports. Subsequent activations included:

Content was just one piece of the puzzle; we had to develop a strategically sound media plan as well. We knew that carriers allow device upgrades after 12 months, and we identified purchase decisions among Android audiences are driven by upgrade availability even more than device launch timing. That meant that users who log into Facebook on Android OS who have had their device for more than 12 months drive the highest ROI. That represented a massive audience, and one we could target with entertaining content to capture their attention, then retarget with product and feature-focused messaging that would drive them to consideration. Those users would then be served relevant promotional messaging and driven to LG and partner websites to purchase.

Over the course of 2015, we produced and distributed over 200 pieces of video content for LG USA Mobile on Facebook. That includes 60-90 second hero videos telling inspirational and entertaining stories, 30 second product focused videos showcasing how LG's devices enabled the stories, and micro-videos like cinemagraphs and GIFs highlighted specific device features. Every day, we drove new and existing audiences into awareness and through consideration and purchase.

In short, our Facebook strategy is always-on, full funnel, and data driven.


Over 200 videos created and distributed across Facebook

12-point lift in brand awareness

118M video views

1B+ impressions

126M+ engagements

3.2M website clicks


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Laundry Service , LG


Entry Credits