As a trusted source for news and information, ABC News connects with users on Facebook around the clock, providing immediate and seamless access to storytelling from around the world and driving the social conversation during every major global event. ABC News distributes a variety of content on the platform, including native video, 360 video, photography, graphics and livestreams to reach an even greater audience.
Deliver breaking news first on Facebook and offer timely updates for users to have the latest information at their fingertips:
Create original native videos for Facebook, most notably the groundbreaking work with 360 degree video:
Strategically distribute content from ABC News' digital and broadcast properties that resonates with Facebook users:
Consistently participate in the conversation that news consumers are already having on Facebook:
Achieved 467,976,275 video views in 8 months.
Achieved 1,390,565 "likes" in 2015 with a growth rate of 23%.