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Special Project

Special Project
From the 8th Annual Shorty Impact Awards

Digital Peace Now: #StillVulnerable

Finalist in Storytelling

Gold Honor in Micro-site or Blog

Audience Honor in Micro-site or Blog


When a major cyberattack occurs, media and global stakeholders largely focus on the targeted organization, the ransom amount, and the policy response – while the real experiences of and impacts on affected individuals are often misunderstood or enitrely ignored.

#StillVulnerable is a human-led campaign to remind people that we are all vulnerable to cyberattacks – and to inspire our audience to call on world leaders to follow through with their cybersecurity commitments. By putting our audience in the shoes of a cyberattack victim through real-life storytelling, we show that cyberattacks are not just a shadow war happening in the darkest corners of the Internet. The campaign aims to:

Strategy and Execution

There is no playbook or database of cyberattacks. That’s what makes the experience all the more misunderstood. Digital Peace Now created the campaign from the ground up and undertook an effort to identify and contact victims, build trust and confidence to share their stories, and amplify them among our key audiences - digital natives who are equally vulnerable, but have the power to make a difference.

Research & Info-Gathering:


Creation of Artwork:

Publication & Amplification:


#StillVulnerable’s key objective of humanizing cyberattack experiences - and showing we are all vulnerable to this threat - was achieved through the diversity of voices, stories, and methods of attacks we showcased. Stories included indivudals impacted by some of the most widely recognized cyberattacks, like the Pegasus and Russian attacks on Ukraine, as well as untold accounts and the reasons behind them: financial gain, espionage, political motivations, warfare, disruption, and harassment.

The campaign told 13 stories of men and women spanning:

For the initial launch, media coverage included national and trade publications with a total reach of 12.78 million readers. The exclusive story ran in Axios’ Login newsletter with an accompanying standalone piece, with additional pick-up in CyberWire Daily Briefing Newsletter, National CyberSecurity News, Cybersecurity Insiders, IAPP Blog, and ORF’s Humans of the Web podcast.

While we garnered over 1.8 million social media impressions and an average website session time of 4 minutes, our best results were intangible. We received overwhelming positive feedback and support from our network of partners in the digital diplomacy and cyber world, allowing us to uncover more stories and reach more people to speak up about their experiences.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Digital Peace Now


Entry Credits