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Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Awards

T-Mobile: The Break-Up Letter

Finalist in Consumer Brand


T-Mobile fans and potential customers wanted to sign up with the carrier but felt trapped by the fees of their current mobile phone contracts. We saw this as an easy way for people to announce to the world they were done being stuck in a bad relationship with their carrier. Enter the Break-Up Letter. Through this simple Facebook application, annoyed customers of AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and others were able to make their voices heard throughout their social networks. To date, there have been 113K+ letters, 2.7MM+ app page views and 67MM+ social impressions generated by the campaign.

Strategy and Execution

In 2013, every time T-Mobile made what they call a "signature move", Facebook comments filled with excited posts from potential customers. Fans wanted to sign up with T-Mobile but felt trapped by the fees in their current mobile phone contracts.

T-Mobile asked Big Fuel to create a campaign around the first signature move of 2014 by tapping into this frustration. To help grant customers the freedom to break up with their current carrier, T-Mobile offered to pay the early termination fees for anyone. Having noticed innumerable comments within T-Mobile's social channels, Big Fuel created The Break Up Letter, which would live and grow on Facebook.

Along with the social team at T-Mobile, we saw this as an easy way for people to announce to the world they were done being stuck in a bad relationship with their carrier. Through this simple Facebook application, annoyed customers of AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and Others were able to make their voices heard throughout their social networks.

In The Break Up Letter, users answered a few quick questions about why they were ready to separate from their existing mobile carrier, with the questions being drawn from conversations we noticed throughout T-Mobile's social channels. Similar to Mad Libs, the final result took these answers and generated a custom letter using T-Mobile's current irreverent brand tone, look, and feel.

To date, there have been 113K+ letters, 2.7MM+ app page views and 67MM+ social impressions generated by the campaign. T-Mobile employees extended the consumer voice into the retail stores by printing out Break Up Letters for customers to be photographed with, thus generating thousands of additional social impressions via Twitter using #breakupletter. In addition, T-Mobile's CEO personally responded via twitter welcoming new customers by retweeting the posts.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Big Fuel


Entry Credits