The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Awards

Shutterstock: Inspiring Creativity

Finalist in Photography and Graphics


Every day we add over 40,000 new photos, illustrations, and vectors to the Shutterstock collection from more than 70,000 contributors from all across the globe. With more than 47 million images in our collection, we're inspired every day by the work our contributors are doing. We share that inspiration across all of our social channels to current and potential customers; current and potential contributors; and to the communities we're building on each channel.

Those communities are passionate about design and photography and they're engaging with Shutterstock for daily inspiration, tips and tricks and news about the creative community. In 2014, the Shutterstock brand saw more than 500,000 engagements across our global social channels!

Strategy and Execution

- 12 global social channels across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Vimeo, Vine and YouTube

- 2,000+ image/graphic posts in 2014

- 522,078 social engagements

- 308,615 new social media followers


Video for Shutterstock: Inspiring Creativity

Entrant Company / Organization Name



Entry Credits