The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Awards


Finalist in Television


The operation we built around the TV broadcast of Sharknado 2 on Syfy France both consisted in #clicktosea, a creative Twitter campaign - and UGC contest - that played with the "Expand images" format for the very first time, and an innovative social cinema experience that got along with the movie premiere at a Parisian theatre last summer.

Our objective was to draw attention on the movie before (and during) it was TV broadcasted on Syfy. The strategy we chose in order to reach our goal was to address the audience on Twitter, notably through a casting of influencers in the fields of movie/series that we invited at the premiere so they could play with the subtitles during a livetweet in the theatre... Thanks to #clicktosea, the period preceding the broadcast enabled us to mobilize fans early enough to increase our visibility to a much greater audience. Giving powerful websites access to exclusive contents kept increasing our visibility, while influencers got involved in the process. During the premiere, their presence, combined with the hashtags we inserted in the subtitles to spur up the livetweet, led us to place 10 Trending Topics France. The media buying campaign on Twitter reached a score of 0,06 of the cost of commitment. At the end of the day, we achieved to reach a total audience of 20,2 millions, and 1 million TwitterAds impressions.

Strategy and Execution

The 6 images of the #clicktosea contest were thought to optimize the sharing on Twitter. To do so, we capitalized on the specific way the network crops its images. We used the expand to surprise the user: a mysterious tweet associated with a cropped cheesy image implied that there was more to be discovered. When they clicked, the user unveiled a shark (or more) threatening the central character of the picture. Since it was the first time this process was used for a communication purpose, it was a great success in terms of sharing: #clicktosea images published by Canalsat were retweeted 728 times and generated more than a million paid impressions. The UGC contest bound with this operation surfed on this positive feedback which allowed to record more than 30 participations, which is a good figure for this type of game. Regarding online PR, the operation generated 40 articles, for a total audience of 9 millions of unique visitors per month. Professional press also conveyed the contest (Stratégies, Lost Remote). The following tweets the media published naturally reached 626 303 followers in total. The originality of the campaign recently led Twitter France to recognize #clicktosea in its #bestof2014.

The innovative Livetweet that was organized on the fringe of the contest brought the surprise to another level. It targeted influential bloggers that we emulated during the VIP premiere of the movie at a Parisian theatre. Thanks to the funny hashtags we inserted into the subtitles of the key scenes, we placed 10 Trending Topics France for a total of 105 minutes! (#marelle, #crocovsshark, #sharknapizza...)

Promoted tweets before and during the TV broadcast were tremendously efficient (> € 0,03 per commitment, for a total of €870 spent).


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Bigger Than Fiction, Canalsat, Syfy France


Entry Credits