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Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Impact Awards

Meet Your COVID-19 Vaccine

Entered in Short Form Video


A common concern people have about the COVID-19 vaccine is how quickly it was developed. Despite the vaccine being a result of decades of careful scientific research, many believe that it was developed at “warp speed” and therefore was not properly tested or vetted. To address this concern, Reingold developed a video that illustrates how vaccines have been a part of our lives for centuries, and how the COVID-19 vaccine and booster are part of that history and the product of rigorous scientific research.  

Strategy and Execution

The video is targeted to an adult audience and is produced in an animated style reminiscent of the “Schoolhouse Rock” educational videos that adults watched in their youth. This fun, relatable 60-second educational video emphasizes the hundreds of years of research that went into bringing us a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. 


Video for Meet Your COVID-19 Vaccine

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Reingold, Duke & Duck, VDH Vaccinate Virginia
