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Special Project

Special Project
From the 6th Annual Shorty Awards

Better Business Bureau Quick-Tips

Entered in Video


Everyone knows Better Business Bureau (BBB). BBB is that 100+ year-old brand with a long history of helping consumers make better decisions in the marketplace by providing sound and unbiased advice and services. But, not everyone online is looking for a roofing contractor or an A/C repair service. How do we remain relevant and valuable to this audience? In today's technologically inclined media climate, and audiences are seeking more rich media to deliver the content they want to engage with. In order to carry out BBB’s mission to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust, BBB started the Quick Tips campaign. We know the BBB brand resonates with older, traditional audiences, but how can we leverage our brand’s inherent trust and wisdom to engage with a more digitally oriented, what some would say, younger audience? Can we prove our value and relevance as a trustworthy resource for advice our changing audience may be seeking? And can we do this in-house without raiding our ad budget? Yes, we can! Online, you’ve got seconds to capture your audience with a unique and valuable hook. BBB’s Quick-Tips accomplish this in a simple, accessible way by providing solutions to problems everyone may face, but that not everyone has the right answers to. In less than a minute and a half, we initiate a conversation and relationship with a new and increasingly valuable audience, while providing them with something to take away from the interaction: knowledge they won’t have to risk finding on their own from an untrustworthy source. Accomplishing this through video on a social media platform reinforces our relevance with younger audiences, and it shows BBB’s willingness to adapt to the changing face of digital promotion, while not coming off as a dusty and irrelevant brand. Furthermore, since we can quickly produce these spots in-house, we can capitalize on salient topics, and gain maximum exposure. Since the campaign started, the Quick Tips spots have earned more than 2000 views accounting for more than almost 17.5 hours of BBB branded content consumed by our audiences. They have also been referenced by other BBB’s, and have helped strengthen our relationship with our online followers. BBB Quick-Tips have helped us create an open dialogue with our online audience, and have become a way for us to meaningfully demonstrate the trust the BBB brand represents.

Strategy and Execution

Here's our homepage:


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Better Business Bureau Serving Central, Coastal, Southwest Texas and the Permian Basin


Entry Credits