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Special Project

Special Project
From the 5th Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

Vodacom eSchool – connecting learners for a better future in a time of Covid-19

Winner in Technology

Gold Honor in Education


Many children in South Africa go to school without books. 

As a Purpose-led organization that uses technology to connect people for a better future, Vodacom believes that the opportunities and promise of a better digital future should be accessible to the many and not just the fortunate few.

Education is one of the Vodacom Foundation’s key focus areas and is anchored in Education Goal 4 in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The objective is to use our technology to bridge the divide that exists in our society to ensure that no child is left behind.

Vodacom eSchool played a pivotal role in ensuring that South African learners, regardless of their socio-economic status, were connected to quality online education during the Covid-19 National Disaster – which halted school attendance and further exacerbated the shortage of textbooks for many school learners.

Vodacom increased its digital media spend by R732,551.85 in efforts to drive awareness of this online learning platform for the purpose of ensuring that all learners did not miss out on learning during the national lockdown.

The goal was to increase the number of subscribed users by 32%, and this target was exceeded by 60%.

Strategy and Execution

Vodacom launched eSchool in 2014, to democtratise access to educational for all South African learners using digital channels. Vodacom customers can access the platform for free.

The platform includes the full educational syllabus from the first grade of school until the last grade when learners are ready to enter College and University. The platform also includes self-assessments so learners can gauge their progress and track their achievements.

The platform has evolved to include Artificial Intelligence based guided learning to make it even easier for all children to learn digitally. Some of the AI powered improvements include, the personalisation of the student’s learning path through analysing performance in assessments. A revised dashboard also allows learners and their parents to get improved visibility on the learner’s progress through the syllabus.

Lerner collaboration is also improved with a feature that creates a digital version of the classroom experience.

Vodacom eSchool is therefore a contributor to the fourth industrial revolution, investing in best of breed technology to help mold the next generation of minds that will drive South Africa's economy in the future.



   Base             Aug            Sept            Oct            Nov             Dec              

Target                        83 333        83 333        83 333       83 333        83 333  

Actuals   751 176      28 790        18 279        25 332       15 638         9 165



   Jan         Feb          Mar          Apr           May          Jun            Jul             Total 

Target      83 333     83 333   83 333     108 333    108 333    108 333     108 333      1,1m  

Actuals    23 547    25 343   102 246    133 004    36 298      19 117        15 016        1,2m



Video for Vodacom eSchool – connecting learners for a better future in a time of Covid-19

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