The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 5th Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

Covid-19 Response from World Bank Group

Finalist in Developing Nations

Entered in Emergency Relief, Nonprofit


As the Covid-19 outbreak erupted the World Bank Group moved fast to respond to this in our projects and programs across 100 countries. Our communications team needed to keep our stakeholders, partners, and global audiences informed, engaged and have access to the most current development work happening in this arena. New digital strategies were quickly deployed to share this vital information.

Strategy and Execution

The digital team drew from its vast experience and understanding of development audiences, live streaming, editorial strategy and multimedia and broadcast to communicate around this important issue in uncertain times. The team quickly pivoted to working digitally and converted what would have been in-person engagements to live-stream, short informative interviews with experts. The team also quickly developed a website on the Bank’s fast-moving role in addressing the crisis and published a dedicated series of blogs related to the pandemic that showcase our thought leadership on health, education, debt relief, financing, sustainable growth, food security and fragility, among others.


Covid related content brought 2.4 M plus visitors to the World Bank website and the dedicated Covid web page received almost 200,000 visitors. The more than 500 Covid related blog content visited 120000+ visitors. The anthem video has had more than 6000 visits on the native site and been shared widely on social media.

Entrant Company / Organization Name

World Bank Group


Entry Credits