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Special Project

Special Project
From the 4th Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

DBS Asia Hub 2 (DAH2) Solar Plant Installation – A Force for Good

Entered in Environment & Sustainability


Expanding infrastructure and upgrading technology to provide clean energy sources in all developing countries is a crucial goal that can both encourage growth and help the environment. In this case, DBS Asia Hub 2 donated solar plants to local government schools in Narsinghi and Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad, with the objective of equipping the schools with a more reliable energy source.


The schools in question suffered from severe electricity shortages and were often only on the power grid for a few hours per day. With such inconsistent access to electricity, students often lacked the light required to study properly, and the school’s goal of creating a computer lab for enhanced learning opportunities was not feasible. During the peak of summer, the lack of electricity also deterred many students from attending school.


DBS' goal was to give students and staff access to better lighting and enough power to run computers. With the solar panels installed, the energy generated is providing the schools with enough electricity to power their computer labs, which will help further their students’ education.


The objectives of the project are:



The goal for the year was to set up solar plants in 2 public schools in Hyderabad, India.

Strategy and Execution

Keeping in mind that we wanted to reach out to the poorest schools to pave the way for learning and education, and alleviate the cycle of poverty and unemployment, DBS Asia Hub 2 evaluated multiple schools in the suburbs of Hyderabad based on the following criteria:

Based on the said criteria, two government schools were identified. These schools were unable to pay electricity bills or did not have electricity connections. Hence, two solar plants of 8kwP and 3kwP were installed at the schools.

The schools now have access to a clean and non-polluting energy source and are not dependent on an external electricity supply, thus positively contributing to the environment and sustainability. The plan is to expand the project to 5 local government-run public schools.


2 Solar plants of 8kwP and 3kwP have been installed at 2 government-run public schools in Narsingi and Rajendranagar (suburbs in Hyderabad, India). These schools now run entirely on solar power, a reliable, sustainable and non-polluting energy source, and 2000 students have a more conducive learning environment.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

DBS Bank

Entry Credits