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Special Project

Special Project
From the 4th Annual Shorty Social Good Awards


Entered in Environment & Sustainability


#NatureForAll is a global movement to inspire love of nature. At its core is a very simple idea: the more people experience and share their love of nature, the more support and action there will be for its conservation. #NatureForAll was formally launched in September 2016 at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN; the world’s oldest and largest environmental conservation organisation) World Conservation Congress in Hawai’i.

Since then, it has grown to become a partnership of 369 organisations working together for nature conservation. #NatureForAll partners are showing how personal experiences and connections with nature provide powerful benefits for individual and societal health, well-being, and resilience and are a foundation for lifelong support for conservation.

#NatureForAll was created to help grow the important work each of its partners undertakes to connect people and nature exponentially. Rather than providing a “one size fits all” solution, #NatureForAll aims to foster enabling environments to reduce barriers and connect people with nature in different regions, contexts and realities. Through partnership, we share knowledge, strategies, and actions - amplifying our collective reach and impact to engage new audiences to connect with and fall in love with nature.

#NatureForAll has two framing goals: 

  1. Raise awareness and motivate people from all walks of life to embrace nature and its values.
  1. Facilitate opportunities for all to experience and connect with nature.

Through increasing awareness, experience, and connection, #NatureForAll seeks to create pathways to lifelong personal support and commitment to nature conservation action. 

Strategy and Execution

#NatureForAll uses publications, policy briefs, toolkits, sucess stories from partners, multimedia, social media campaigns and learning events to achieve its two framing goals.

The #NatureForAll Playbook outlines seven strategies that the #NatureForAll partnership uses to do our work better. Not every strategy is applicable to every situation or context, which is why partners organize themselves into regional networks. The seven guiding strategies are:

  1. Bring children into nature at an early age.
  2. Find and share the fun in nature.
  3. Use urban gateways to nature.
  4. Embrace technology.
  5. Share cultural roots and ancestry in nature.
  6. Seek out diverse partnerships.
  7. Empower a new generation of leaders.

To answer the “Why?” question behind these strategies, #NatureForAll partner the Children & Nature Network has led the development of a synthesis of evidence linking connectedness with nature to pro-conservation behaviours. This document illuminates the diverse values of experiences and connections with nature and their relationship to positive behaviours towards the Earth. Led by Dr. Cheryl Charles of the Children & Nature Network, 14 co-authors and more than 60 reviewers from 22 nations on 5 continents collaboratively produce the publication Home to Us All: How Connecting with Nature Helps Us Care for Ourselves and the Earth.

This report and the summary for decision-makers, Connecting with Nature to Care for Ourselves and the Earth, were launched at the UN Biodiversity Conference in Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt in November 2018. Designed for a broad audience, the short summary shares highlights of the most current and compelling evidence for connecting people with nature to aid decision makers from diverse sectors across the world in implementing policies and practices that will help humans thrive in harmony with nature for decades to come.

Based on this evidence, two thematic priorities have been further developed:

  1. Health and Nature: a policy brief and key messages for the health sector were developed because connecting with nature is a potential public health strategy that is accessible and affordable for many populations, with research demonstrating not only protective values but restorative benefits as well. 
  2. Youth and Nature: the #NatureForAll Youth Champions initiative strives to connect young people who are curious about or already involved in nature conservation with each other, and provide them with real access and engagement opportunities at upcoming conservation events. The initiative was launched at the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, USA where 45,000 Scouts aged 14 to 17 were in attendance, and had the chance to experience #NatureForAll through hands-on workshops on parks, oceans, forests and wildlife.

In addition, to reach a broader audience, a variety of informative videos have been widely shared. Imagine #NatureForAll and Living #NatureForAll are two short films prodcued and translated to over 20 languages each. Specific social media campaigns have been designed and executed for specific events (for example, the World Scout Jamboree) and by specific regional networks (#NatureForAll Canada) - leveraging the full potential of our global partnership.


As of September 18th, 2019, 369 organisations from more than 60 countries have become partners to #NatureForAll. Our partners are demonstrating the many exciting ways that we can come together and inspire support and action for conservation. They are showing us that our mission is not only feasible, but it can be fun, inspirational and transformative.  

Some examples are: 

At the World Scout Jamboree in July 2019, our social media strategy brought us closer to achieving our two goals of raising awareness and facilitating a connection with nature: during our 8 thematic days on parks, oceans, wildlife and forests, we reached 3,600 Scouts through a Snapchat geo-filter that  was set up on the ground at the venue. The Snapchat filter received 171.9K views (the number of times the filter was seen in a snap sent directly to a friend or in a story), 16.2K swipes (the number of times the filter was viewed while snaps were being created), 3.2K uses, and was chosen 20% of the time it was available to be used in a snap. Over 1,600 Scouts officially became #NatureForAll Youth Champions after completing a series of experiential learning activities and signing up to the initiative. 


Video for #NatureForAll

Entrant Company / Organization Name

IUCN, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, Parks Canada, PCI Media


Entry Credits