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Special Project

Special Project
From the 3rd Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

PwC + HuffPo Video Series

Finalist in Video Series

Entered in Environment & Sustainability


The business world is changing...for good. PwC's Purpose + Profit Huffington Post video series highlights cutting edge organizations and inspiring leaders who are finding sustainable solutions to many of the world's toughest issues. Our goal is to raise awareness and inspire dialogue around the important role of purpose in business by generating views and awareness around our Huffington Post video series.

Strategy and Execution

We're passionate about storytelling and are creating a series of video content in collaboration with Ryot Studio and The Huffington Post. The content is focused on what we can and are doing to create purposeful enterprises that are benefiting people, communities and society-at-large without sacrificing profit. Each video features a unique organization that is making waves as disruptors, innovators, and purpose-driven leaders in their industries. The two videos summarized below have been featured and promoted with collaboration from Ryot, Huffington Post, and PwC.

Dock to Dish – Farm to Table for the Ocean: A supply-driven, community-based, "3P" seafood sourcing program providing chefs and members of a cooperative direct dock access to fresh, wild, sustainable seafood that is accurately curated and traceable to the source of origin and fisher who harvested the haul.

Stony Creek Colors – Bio-Based Textile Dyes: A bio-based textile dye company near Nashville, TN. They improve profitability and ecosystem health for tobacco farmers, helping them transition to indigo farming. And they empower designers, brands, and mills with greater transparency and traceability. Their bio-based dyes help create honest, clean, healthy clothing. From seed to closet, they're transforming the fashion industry and the world.


So far two videos have been produced, generating over 265,000 views. We have also generated over 58,500 social actions and over 845,400 social impressions promoting our purpose messaging and engaging communities in conversations around the importance of purpose within competitive business environments.


Video for PwC + HuffPo Video Series

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