To increase awareness of Asia For Good, a digital platform about socially conscious living in Asia. Also to educate public that it is easy to live a socially conscious life, by just making small changes to your lifestyle. You do the things you already love to do, such as eating, shopping and travel, but with companies that make social impact. We wanted people in Asia, who are not so exposed to social responsibility yet, to know that small changes go a long way. Hence, the Change campaign.
We incorporated Adello swipe cube and banner ads, Affiperf programmatic display ads, Facebook page post link ads page post ads and Instagram photo link ads, Twitter website card and Google search ads. Total spend was a low SGD$30,000.
We posted heavily on DBS owned Facebook and Twitter channels, as well as internally on our DBS intranet and 2 internal staff newsletters reaching out to 22,000 DBS staff.
We also engaged Instagram influencers to write review posts.
All ads linked to a custom landing page on the site - which stated our manifesto, and six panels each addressing one aspect of socially conscious living.
"Your next manicure could help someone nail a job."
"Your next snack could ease someone's hunger."
"Your next pair of slippers could give another soul new soules"
These taglines appeared in ads which all led to Asia For Good articles about real-life social enterprises which delivered on those promises. Eg Nail Social is a manicure parlour that employs disadvantaged women, Boxgreen is a snack delivery company and for every box you buy they donate a meal to someone in need and Soule is the Toms of Asia - donating shoes
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