The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 16th Annual Shorty Awards

The Female Quotient

Winner in LinkedIn Presence

Audience Honor in LinkedIn Presence

Entered in Instagram Presence


At The FQ, we’re a woman-owned business and a visibility powerhouse, working with conscious leaders in every industry to change the equation and close the global gender gap. At our core, we believe that change happens when we see what’s unseen.  Through our digitall community, we’re accelerating equality by elevating the profile of women, engaging in meaningful discussion, sharing the stories of “unseen” female change-makers, and shedding a light on the topics and solututions that affect women in the workplace. With both our Instagraam and LinkedIn profiles, we want to inspire the next generation of female disruptors to challenge the status quo, dismantle barriers, and create a world where everyone can thrive, educate and inform our global community of three million social followers, promote our own brand experiences, as well as various cultural events throughout the year, in a fun, creative way to engage and grow our community. We also aim to create a space where women feel true community and the safety to show up as they are, share their concerns, and work torwards the collective goal of changing the equation and closing the gap. 

Strategy and Execution

With a small team and zero budget for paid amplification, we tap into our knowledge of what interests our community most and the issues that afffect them day to day and lean in. We focus on both regular content, like our weekly 'Power of the Pack' series and posts celebrating women newly named to C-Suite roles, while also pivoting quickly to react to news in real time, like the ongoing fall out following the overturn or Roe v. Wade. Whether it's ongoing content our comunity knows to expect from us, or commentary on current events, we remain a safe place for women to come and learn about and discuss the topics and issues that mean the most to them. On Instagram, we leverage shorter form and in-the moment content, in addition to showcasing our partnerships with global brands and concious leaders, while on LinkedIn we are able to tap into the platform's live-panel capabitlities with our weekly "Power of the Pack" series which brings together women across industires to unpack a particular taboo topic. Through 'Power of the Pack', we ave highlighted a range of issues from how companies can make their workplace mor neurodiverse inclusive, to menopause and the effects it has on women in the workplace. Recently, we also tapped into our LinkedIn platform to host conversations around the Algorithm for Equality, a crucial and collaborative conversatio that focused on the realities in the age of AI, and the opportunity for underrepresented groups to be part of the futue of the algorithm, ensuring it's equitable for all. LinkedIn not only provides a curical space to spotlight women, but also engage in necessry conversations that turn into intentional action in order to close the gender gap. While we do showcase some of our own initatives and the in-person experience of our Signature Equality Lounges, our social channels remain a place to amplify and celebrate women and unabashedly shine a light on the issues women face, no matter how taboo, each day, integrating concious leaders and solutions throughout. 


In 2023 alone, our Instagram reached over one million followers with an average 150% growth, month to month. Our audience resonated most with posts that focused on workplace humor, commentary on news and human interest stories, and our signature Women Trailblazers Series which highlihts overlooked womem who have impacted our society. Most importantly, the feedback that we’ve received on the videos is proof that we’ve accomplished our number one goal of inspiring and uplifting our community. The numbers don't lie; in July 2023 we had 818,763 followers on Instagram and across all channels, we regularly experience an above average engagement rate of nearly 4%. We call our FQ community on social the  “power of the pack,” because a woman alone has power, but together we have impact. Today, we are proud to say our digita lpack is over 3 million strong, comrpised of a global comunity of working womem who engage in the topics that matter most to them each day. With their continued engagement and support, we will close the gender gap. 


Entrant Company / Organization Name

The Female Quotient
