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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

This Week In History …

Entered in Medium-Length Video


This Week In History… is an Instagram-first video series that reminds audiences of a notable event in the early lives of Generation X and helps explain its enduring relevance. Focused on their formative pre-teen and teen years, the events in this series aim to build a community of people with shared experiences. This serves individuals by reminding them of a cultural touchstone that shaped their lives, and helps contribute to our brand awareness and affinity. 

Strategy and Execution

Each month AARP Studios identifies two to three noteworthy news and pop culture events that not only had an impact at the time but continue to hold relevance today.  Historic and current-day images and footage are researched, procured, and then paired with compelling music to create an engaging  editorial piece of storytelling.  We bring the viewer into the past to remember where they were at the time, how they felt, and how it still impacts them today.


This video series garners constant engagement, with many likes and comments that reference watching these moments fondly with family and friends. Also, the act of sparking memories within our audience members aims to have a positive impact on mood.  It provides a communal space for shared comments and interactions with one another, as well as with our brand.

Top Comments from This Week In 1987 ... Baby Jessica Rescued From a Well:

"I was ten years and remember this vividly. The whole country's rooting for the rescue worker and that little girl!!"

"I remember watching this with my mom and I remember her sobbing when they finally pulled her out... She hugged me extra tight that night."

"I was 5 at that time and my great grandpa had been taking to the ER that day. I remember being in the waiting room watching it on tv and people kept coming by and asking, 'did they get her out yet??'"

"One of the first moments I’ve seen people come together to help this little girl and her family. I was 8 yrs old at the time and realized there are good people in this world"

"I remember it like yesterday, I had a small TV in my bedroom when I was a teenager and I was getting ready for a dance or going out to something and I watched it for it was so scary, so glad they got her out and she wasn't injured badly. I'm from Texas actually I'm a native Texan and this hit very close to home in my heart."





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