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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Jeep Grill Scan

Finalist in Immersive

Silver Honor in Auto

Bronze Honor in Extended Reality


Jeep is more than its SUV’s. It’s a lifestyle. It’s about adventure, getting out there and living life to the fullest. But while the pandemic saw an increase in car ownership among younger generations, Jeep was not seeing the same adoption as some of its competitors, it needed a new way to engage with consumers. In short, Jeep needed a way to reach out to a new generation and build a sense of community around this spirit of adventure. And what better way to reach a younger audience than by integrating yourself into their daily lives by utilising Augmented Reality. We created a AR lens that allows users to scan the front of a Jeep and learn more about the model, customise it and even schedule a test drive!

Accessible anytime and anywhere, it created a 24/7 Jeep dealership that could fit in your pocket. Our goal was to create a unique and engaging experience that would appeal to younger audiences and showcase the versatility of the Jeep brand. We wanted to use the power of technology to bring the Jeep dealership experience to a global audience, and provide a new way for customers to engage with the brand. By leveraging machine learning technology and AR filters, we were able to create an innovative solution that offers an immersive and memorable experience for users.

Strategy and Execution

The business of a buying a car tends to be unpredictable, with buyers always wanting to make sure they're getting the newest, hottest model But what if a chance encounter with a car on the street could spark a moment of inspiration? That's where interactivity comes in - by creating an immersive experience, we can grab a potential buyer's attention and influence their decision-making process.

Sure, augmented reality (AR) and smart camera apps are still in their early days, and the average user may not know how to control an AR experience. But we didn't let that stop us. We set out to create an AR filter that was so intuitive and frictionless, the user experience was a breeze.

Our filter directed users to the world-facing camera of their Snapchat app, with one simple goal - point the camera at the grille of a Jeep. No confusion, no fuss. And when the camera found the grille, the magic happened. Our custom 3D render pipeline created photorealistic images of various Jeep models, training an AI-based machine learning model to recognize a wide variety of Jeeps.

We overcame the challenge of packing different Jeep models into one recognition package, and created the first 3D scannable and trackable vehicle feature on Snap. Now, users can scan any Jeep grille and overlay virtual content on the physical grille, with the position of the grille tracked in 3D space.

By creating an intuitive, immersive AR experience, we introduced a new way for users to interact with the Jeep brand. Who knows where this technology will take us next? The possibilities are endless.


Thanks to our immersive and interactive technology, we were able to successfully reach a global audience of over 51 million people, with over 150K interactions with our Jeep AR filter. Our target audience was engaged, and we successfully convinced 25% of users to explore the full Jeep range. However, the most significant achievement was the creation of over one hundred thousand new virtual Jeep dealerships, without the need for any physical construction.

This project offered a glimpse into the future of shopping, where everything can be scanned and digitized. Our custom computer vision model, specifically designed for the Jeep AR filter, proved to be the foundation of a new evolution in search technology.

Our goal was to create an immersive and interactive experience that would showcase the versatility of the Jeep brand and engage a global audience, and we believe that our results demonstrate the success of this strategy. By leveraging the power of machine learning and AR technology, we were able to reach an unprecedented number of users and create a unique experience that resonated with our target audience.


Video for Jeep Grill Scan

Entrant Company / Organization Name

GoSpooky, Jeep, Stellantis Canada, Publicis Toronto / Starcom Canada, Snapchat


Entry Credits