Paramount+’s “Star Trek: Prodigy” is an adventurous animated television series that gives brings the whole family into the “Star Trek” universe as it follows a crew of young aliens in the distant Delta Quadrant. After the crew discovers an abandoned Starfleet vessel, the U.S.S. Protostar, they hope to make their way across the galaxy to the home of the Federation: the Alpha Quadrant. Along the way, they will have to quickly learn how to work together as a cohesive team. The second part of the show’s inaugural season launched in late 2022, and one of the show’s fan-favorite characters is set to undergo a major transformation.
Paramount+ set out to build excitement around a major moment in the show on social media. Focusing on the cute character’s metamorphosis, it created an engaging tease based on the real-time transformation process.
Paramount+ took to Twitter to launch an exclusive live-stream event that showed the character Murf’s gradual transformation from cocoon to his new form over the course of an exciting 24-hour period. The tease led up to the debut of the “Star Trek: Prodigy” episode in which his final form is officially revealed. Over the course of the live stream’s runtime, various characters from “Star Trek: Prodigy” popped in to check on Murf during his transformative phase. The live stream kicked off with a tweet from the official StarTrekOnPPlus Twitter account at midnight on November 16th, 2022, and the live stream concluded exactly 24 hours later to coincide with the debut of “Star Trek: Prodigy” episode 14, “Crossroads.”
Paramount+’s live stream event on Twitter proved to be a hit with fans. The event garnered hundreds of likes from fans and followers and received a healthy amount of shares through quoted tweets and retweets. “Star Trek” fans are always looking for new exciting content and Paramount+ never fails to deliver the goods.