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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Launch Campaign

Entered in Launch Campaign


The launch campaign for Pixar’s TikTok was rooted in Pixar’s four brand pillars: culture, 

technology, art, and emotion. These core values, paired with the desire to provide a new

and younger audience exciting sneak peaks of what’s to come from Pixar, expanded

viewership in a big way. The goals we set out to achieve during this launch period were

follower acquisition, strong overall engagement, representing the brand in a new light to

a younger audience, and celebrating diverse voices and stories. Since the launch in

March of 2022, Pixar TikTok has seen rapid growth in every sense, from engagement to

video views to completion rates.

Strategy and Execution

Pixar TikTok had a unique social strategy driving the launch effort. We wanted to make

sure the channel felt populated at launch, so we released 4 videos that represented

each content pillar–a mix of wholly original and high performing content we had seen

pop across the platform. The first TikTok posted was a fun video with Pixar director Pete

Doctor that humanized the brand and showed that we see and hear the TikTok

community. The video even featured a hidden easter egg to keep fans engaged with a

classic Pixar touch–a secret message that said, “HI PIXAR FANS”. A challenge for us was

creating a playful and relatable voice, while remaining brand-safe and mindful of legal

restrictions and guidelines. We crafted a voice that stayed true to the Pixar brand and

balanced a TikTok-first mindset, which can be seen in the following top performing

videos and series: short engagement play videos utilizing the in-app voice over feature, a

couples cosplay series, Pixar film scene recreations with relevant TikTok talent, behind

the scenes studio stories, and TikTok storytime throwbacks about awkward teen

moments. Under Pixar’s technology pillar, fans discovered the steps to the animation

process with our animation progressions series, which built a community for fans of

Pixar that admire the brand for pushing the boundaries of the medium. Art is at the

heart of Pixar, so we jumped on a trending story spotlighting one talented fan–we

invited this Pixar fan chalk artist to create an original piece on Pixar’s campus! We also

developed a range of art process videos like this satisfying painting video, paper film

environment recreation, and a fantastic AR art piece. Our Mental Health Checkpoint

series encouraged viewers to be mindful and empowered. We frequently showcase the

powerful stories behind the creators at Pixar, and spotlight Pixar’s commitment to

authentic storytelling and inclusion, like showing how films are translated for APIHM and

spotlighting a diverse range of Pixar talent.


The launch of Pixar’s TikTok has been a huge success since its launch last year:

- 1.9M New Followers

- 18.5M Engagements

- 134M Video Views with an astonishing 17% average completion rate

- 238 Total Videos

Following our pillars as a guiding light for our launch, we’ve been able to develop a

vibrant community on TikTok that is fully engaged and excited to see our content when it

hits their FYP. As we move into 2023, we’ll continue to create our TikTok first fan favorite

formats, jump on relevant trends, and continue to experiment with new formats that

resonate with this new audience.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

The Walt Disney Company


Entry Credits