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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Giving Employees the Stage in "My Job in 60 Seconds"

Finalist in Employee Engagement


The goal of this video series was to showcase our talented team members throughout our various social channels and relevant HR landing pages, giving each of them a chance to tell their own story and why they have a passion for what they do at Anyline. Below are our four goals:

Strategy and Execution

Being a scale up company with just over 100 employees has its benefits when it comes to acting on new ideas, and much like our other content strategies – our podcast for example – we have a lot of flexibility and trust when it comes to giving new concepts a fair trial.

This video series was born from a simple conversation between our marketing and our People & Culture team when brainstorming new ways to improve employee advocacy in a rapidly growing tech company. This idea quickly formulated into a working concept and pilot episode. Upon further buy-in from executives, we began a full roll out of the project.

The plan was to launch a new video every week, until the foreseeable future. To do so in a sustainable way (and not be forced to make a new video every single week on a tight deadline) we started scheduling team members twice a week, creating two weeks of content with each passing week. Once we had a dozen episodes made, we began to publish the series on a weekly cadence, each Wednesday morning.

In addition to keeping the cadence of content we had set for ourselves, the major challenge was in working with everyone. While some employees were used to being in the spotlight, the reality is that most were not.  Recording their voice, having them act on screen or perform specific actions in the most natural way has been by far the biggest challenge with each episode. For each recording, we help each team member brand themselves in their own unique way and give each episode its own flair while also keeping the project’s on brand and consistent. Sharing the passion and energy for the project has been a key driver in getting each team member involved, and ultimately, having a fun 60-minutes with them while producing their episode.

The current challenge, now that we are well into the series, is keeping the series from becoming too repetitive for our external audience and staff members. Keeping the content fresh and fun to watch over a long period is constantly top of mind.


We premiered the pilot episode live in front of the entire company and were completely blown away by the initial response. In fact, there was an immediate demand to be included in the project with over 50% of our staff asking to be proactively involved! This has confirmed that we are on the right track – especially post-pandemic when the human connection is a bit of a rarity. 

We are continually amazed by the overwhelming response. We still receive inquiries from other companies asking which agency we use to shoot the series or how many weeks of shooting it takes to get content for each team member. As the whole project is done in house in a few hours, this always gives us a very satisfying feeling. 

To date, the series has accumulated over 100,000 views across all the shared platforms with an average engagement rate of 10%. This represents a reach of more than 10 times our collective social following and roughly 8 times more engagement than our industry standard. 

One of our team members who is originally from Brazil but has been living in Austria for a number of years summarized the impact better than any promotion could do. "Once my video came out, I was shocked to see many of my old friends and colleagues reconnecting with me as a result of me sharing my job. This impact and impression is what I love about the series and something I have not been a part of before."


Video for Giving Employees the Stage in "My Job in 60 Seconds"

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Anyline GmbH


Entry Credits