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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Do good, feel BETR - BETR Remedies

Entered in Rebrand Campaign


This campaign aimed to transform a previously overlooked purchase into a socially symbolic act that reflects one's values. Our challenge: it was about OTC medication. OTC drugs are not, as a category, interesting. In fact, they're downright boring. And people don't really want to focus on the reasons why they might need them (ahem: flu, farts, headaches, insomnia, oh my!). 

Plus, customers (particularly the Gen Z demo we were speaking to) are weary of another brand claiming to change the world. BETR Remedies’ area of focus –– the broken medical system –– is such a behemoth it seems insurmountable, and that is disheartening during a period of time when we’re all acutely aware of the importance of medical care and access. 

Which is to say, we had our work cut out for us when tasked to make BETR Remedies relevant and inspiring. 

So, we had to make our core differentiator - impact and a generous give back model - seem interesting and hopeful. Secondly, we had to figure out how to make over the counter drugs less of a snooze fest in the first place.

Strategy and Execution

Our relaunch campaign was brought to life through organic social strategy and a paid creators strategy. 

The organic social strategy was focused on education around our mission, one we approached with transparency, storytelling, and a unique touch of personality. We wanted to lift the veil on the over-the-counter drug industry, empower customers so they can make better decisions, educate on the inequities of the US medical care system, and show how the smallest of decisions add up to real change (when we’re in it together). We set out to show up differently than other OTC brands by tackling these conversations with a sense of humor and a lot of relatability.

Our content is where brand personality came to life. We revamped our look and feel, revitalized our storytelling, and pushed messaging to breathe some life and laughter into a traditionally boring subject matter. We led with strong visuals and let our personality shine through content that both informed our audience and kept us relevant. We introduced more video + motion, increased production of reels and carousels, emphasized entertainment, and capitalized on relevant trends. We elevated real humans and their experiences and leaned on our co-founder Ellen Pompeo to help us tell our story. All of these efforts drove back to our goals of brand awareness, growth and engagement. 

We also executed on a paid creators strategy. At a time when the social landscape has completely changed, one thing remains true: creators power the platforms and transcend the algorithms. We approached creators in a different way – avoiding the oversaturated market of contrived product plugs and instead introduced something of substance. So, we set out to empower them to do what they do, and be fully themselves. We let our product and mission be the inspiration point, and then instructed them to run toward wherever their imaginations took them.

The thinking here was that great content creators can relate to a subject in just the way their community will best receive the message. We drew on the work of musicians, artists, comedians, and thought leaders. We looked to their unique voice and creative focus to offer a relatable perspective within many diverse communities. The result was a plethora of quirky, hilarious, unexpected content that broke through the noise, piqued peoples’ interest and educated them on our brand. 

We tasked our creators in the “artist” category to inspire their audience to “Do good, feel BETR” with musical interpretations that touch the heart and the funny bone, while creators in the “personality” category had the directive of riffing off our campaign slogan (Do good, feel BETR) through storytelling. Our creators in the “thought leaders” category pulled together lists of their favorite sick-day books and gave a compelling breakdown of the core values behind BETR Remedies. Overall, these creators tapped into pre-existing channels of audience interest and conversation to introduce our brand and invite people to play a part in the BETR Remedies mission. 



Our relaunch campaign and supporting organic social content kicked off in October and ran through December 2022. Our efforts yielded significant increases in organic social numbers across the board, totaling over 5.2M impressions (+1,004%), over 2.2m video views (+465%) and over 153k engagements (+3,282%) across IG, FB, and TW. During the campaign period we acquired a 38% organic increase in audience, with over a 2.3k organic increase on Instagram alone, rounding out the campaign with over 7.8k followers on Instagram. 

Instagram remains our priority platform of focus. During the campaign we garnered over 3.2m impressions (+619%), averaging over 35k impressions per day, and amassing over 2k profile actions on the platform, a 1,880% increase from prior months. These results not only laddered up to our goal of increased brand awareness, but took our audience interaction and engagement to an entirely new level. Our organic Instagram content accumulated over 17k engagements, significantly surpassing numbers from months prior by 377%. The increased comments and saves indicate that our audience found our content interesting and valuable. We attribute this success to our revamped social content strategy, creator partnerships, and Ellen representation.

During our relaunch campaign, our creator content activated on Instagram and TikTok throughout November and December.  The primary goal of this campaign was to raise brand awareness. Our creator channels totaled a potential reach of 14.6m. To-date, the organic campaign content has garnered over 1.6m views and over 112k engagements and over 4.1m impressions from creator channels alone.



Entrant Company / Organization Name

Brains on Fire, BETR Remedies


Entry Credits