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Special Project

Special Project
From the 14th Annual Shorty Awards


Entered in Pharma & Healthcare


Living with Chronic Migraine is extremely debilitating. Chronic Migraine is associated with 15 or more headache and migraine days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. People experiencing Chronic Migraine may miss work, often for days. They may miss afternoons with friends, school performances and weddings. They can’t meet life’s responsibilities consistently and sometimes can’t be counted on to be present; they also feel nobody understands what they’re going through, leading to isolation and delayed treatment.


Since its FDA approval in 2010, BOTOX® has led the branded Chronic Migraine category.  Over the past four years, however, new classes of treatments have crowded the market. The BOTOX® Chronic Migraine brand seized an opportunity to stand out by connecting with patients through an honest, real-world lens.


Knowing that patients can feel misunderstood and alone, our Q&A campaign introduced a relatable community while authentically confronting and answering key barriers to choosing BOTOX®. The positive social proof points highlighted throughout the campaign further amplify the reasons to believe in BOTOX® and help Chronic Migraine patients better understand if BOTOX® might be right for them.


Leveraging our real-world track record, we sought to:

  1. Stand out with visually impactful creative to drive greater connection, featuring real patient experiences and success stories 
  2. Reassure patients by clearly dispelling any inherent barriers to choosing BOTOX®, thereby addressing their top concerns / fears
  3. Motivate Chronic Migraine patients to (re)consider BOTOX® as a relevant and proven choice and ask their doctor to get started now.

Strategy and Execution

Chronic Migraine patients are desperate to find meaningful relief from their condition. But as they consider treatment options, they want to feel reassured in their choice.


With this campaign, we wanted to establish BOTOX® as an approachable and effective brand and grab patients’ attention by delivering the proof of success needed to act, showcased by a positive, welcoming, real-world community they could trust and join. We did this by confronting ‘the elephant in the room’ and addressing key questions/concerns/misconceptions that many Chronic Migraine patients may consider as barriers to choosing BOTOX® as a potential treatment option. In a very straightforward and pragmatic way, the campaign aims to reassure the audience, helping them overcome any treatment barriers with answers about efficacy, safety, patient experience, etc. For example, how does it work? is answered with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months.


In a clean and contemporary way, our integrated campaign pulled through the Q&A construct to highlight positive social proof points, real patient stories, sampling and copay offers, answering key questions from Chronic Migraine sufferers. We used a visually distinctive Mondrian-based graphic design with the spectrum of the brand colors — we featured emotional, upbeat patient scenes and important claims that can be rotated in pool outs to deliver a wide range of answers to questions patients may have during their consideration process. This modular approach allowed us to maintain a consistent, unique campaign look and feel across our media touch points; it provided a flexible platform on which our key messaging and proof points could work together seamlessly.


We activated a robust omni-channel campaign across website, social media, digital display, network TV, CTV, OLV, CRM, print, in-office communications, and influencer outreach. We leveraged our proprietary, in-house platforms and data to effectively target and activate incremental consumers across the patient journey. Our newly designed and relaunched website optimized user accessibility so patients can easily and quickly find information and key resources like Find a Specialist, Savings Program, and patient CRM.


Driving further targeted reach, we launched the campaign in multiple social channels including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Reddit. Short, digestible social concepts were created specifically for each social platform and ad unit to ensure we captured the attention of our audience in their preferred engagement. The cohesive look and feel pulled through in all social concepts, allowing users to easily identify BOTOX® for Chronic Migraine messaging – no matter where they are in their patient journey.


Highlighting key treatment concerns and real success stories have resonated with audiences, making BOTOX® feel relatable and candid. It has also driven patient desire to take action:

The campaign also generated significant growth for the business:

More people than ever now know that treatment with BOTOX® for Chronic Migraine can make a real difference. Given the success of the consumer campaign, we are now rolling out an HCP-focused campaign with the same Q&A approach and branded visual style to maximize impact in-office, for both HCPs and consumers.


Video for Q&A

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, BOTOX for Chronic Migraine


Entry Credits