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Special Project

Special Project
From the 14th Annual Shorty Awards

Manifest and Primrose Friends

Finalist in Education


Primrose Schools is an accredited early childhood education franchise. What differentiates Primrose from other early childhood schools is its proprietary, research-based teaching approach, Balanced Learning®, which merges purposeful play with nurturing guidance from teachers. To bring Balanced Learning® to life for students, Primrose teachers use the charming, child-friendly Primrose Friends puppets in the classroom. While the nuances of Balanced Learning® and the richness of the Primrose experience are self-evident in the classroom, this approach is not always easy to communicate to prospective parents.

Our challenge was to explain this unique teaching approach to parents who are seeking the best educational experience for their children. Our solution was to create a video series, starring the Primrose Friends, to provide parents with a memorable and entertaining peek into the Primrose classroom. The “Primrose Friends” video series was promoted across Primrose’s digital ecosystem via an integrated awareness campaign.

Strategy and Execution

Our video series was created in two parts. Part one comprised six episodes that introduced the Friends and their unique character traits to families. Part two comprised five episodes and demonstrated how the Friends use their character traits in everyday situations. Parents and children could enjoy this “edutainment” together while children were also introduced to the core tenets of Balanced Learning®. We included questions and prompts in the video voice-overs to initiate parent-child conversations about the lessons. We also included links to any accompanying “snacktivities” and “craftivities” featured in the videos in the YouTube description copy, as well as links to supporting blog posts to further uncover the components of Balanced Learning® and why it works.

The video series was supported by cutdowns of long-form video content to be used as series and episode trailers, organic and paid social content, blogs, and email.


During the pandemic, at a time when parents were desperate to find quality content for their children, the Primrose Friends series provided the relief parents needed at the intersection of education and entertainment.

The goal of educating parents on Balanced Learning® was achieved. The series sparked so much interest in Primrose Schools among prospective parents that it achieved: 


Video for Manifest and Primrose Friends

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Manifest, Primrose Schools


Entry Credits