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Special Project

Special Project
From the 14th Annual Shorty Awards

Finding market fit for wellness brand, Rochway

Entered in Retail & E-Commerce, Facebook


An established Sydney-based probiotics brand in business for over 15 years, Rochway had hit a wall. The supplement market, particularly collagen products, is a saturated one – and it gets more competitive every year. Despite being stocked in pharmacies around Australia, Rochway was struggling to cut through the noise online and needed a strong marketing strategy to connect with customers.

However, the brand couldn’t quite lock down where their products fit into the market.

They came to Megaphone on the cusp of launching a new product—a high-quality all-in-one probiotic named Beauty Sleep— and they wanted to make sure it landed with an impact.

For Megaphone, this was an invaluable opportunity to test new angles, change perspectives and discover exactly who Rochway’s target audience was and what they resonated with.

With the previous range not selling, the goal for the agency was to see what could be achieved with just a single product. How can we grow revenue and scale the brand, all while staying fresh and engaging to customers?

Strategy and Execution

The first step was identifying where the brand currently stood.

To understand more about Rochway’s customers, Megaphone implemented their MegaVortex, which is large-scale intelligent testing to improve the three most important metrics of a successful ads campaign: LCTR, CVR, and AOV, in order to achieve a higher ROAS. 

Conducting a thorough audit of Facebook Ads Manager revealed that although products weren’t moving and the CVR was low, LCTR was strong. The ads were doing the work, but the message was getting lost. 

This meant either one or more of the following:

The targeting and audiences were too broad, there was no tangible solution offered, or the landing page was getting in the way of the customer journey.

Addressing the low conversion rate meant improving trust, so the Megaphone marketing strategists reworked the ads to emphasise what they felt was the strongest point of difference of the product: better sleep. 

Leading the ads were compelling hooks designed to be instantly relatable and address a very real pain point, such as;

“Did you know that up to 67% of women don’t sleep through the night?”

With every skincare brand pushing collagen, and not everyone knowing what melatonin even does, the deep sleep angle proved far more effective than singularly focusing on the ingredients.

The MegaVortex also discovered that although the brand was targeting women over 40, in fact, the messaging was converting 25 to 34-year-olds more than any other.

Using creative, out of the box audiences like ‘women’s apparel’, ‘home decor’, ‘personal care’ and even ‘wine’ found further traction with this demographic.

Breaking existing brand assumptions, deeper consumer insights were revealed in post-purchase surveys, and this data influenced further ad testing strategies. 

Carousel ads allowed for the powerful sleep angle to be followed by a breakdown of ingredient benefits, hitting all the customer pain points by building emotional connection as well as explaining the product. 

Trust was reinforced with social proof, including “as seen in” mentions and an ever-increasing number of five-star customer reviews.

As a consumable product, retargeting campaigns were set up to reengage customers after 14 days, and repeat purchases comprised a significant percentage of sales. 

The data also revealed a high abandoned cart rate. This was due to high shipping costs, and the client was reluctant to offer free shipping but conceded to trial it for a month.
This free shipping was featured prominently on all ads and results spoke for themselves. Establishing trust, hype and an enticing offer allowed the brand to position itself in the Australian market.


The MegaVortex strategy resulted in the customer selling out of product no less than nine times.

ROAS improved anywhere from 0.6-1x to 5-6x, with a 285% overall increase.

Website purchases grew by 120%, while CPAs dropped by 73%.

A 205% increase in sales resulted in a 207% increase in revenue – all within the span of a few months.

The champion product Megaphone focused on, Beauty Sleep, had a massive conversion rate growth of 355%.

Through bundles and strategic add-on incentivising, the entire Rochway range saw an increase in sales, almost entirely due to the success of their flagship Beauty Sleep probiotic. 

More importantly, the high-performing campaigns allowed Rochway to really identify who their customers were. 

This provided the insights to build a stronger brand, refine their messaging, and discover the biggest strengths of their business model.

Customers now engage with Rochway on an entirely new level, and both sales and core metrics have consistently improved month on month since taking over the account. 

The brand is now open to new strategies they had not considered before, such as running competitions and offering discounts, due to the trust they have in Megaphone.


Video for Finding market fit for wellness brand, Rochway

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Megaphone, Rochway


Entry Credits