In 2021, FOX ENTERTAINMENT launched a first-of-its-kind, high-stakes and fast-paced half-hour game show hosted by Jason Biggs. The gameplay featured two rounds of pop culture trivia during which a team of two contestants tries to "solve the slots" in the hope of getting one step closer to winning the $250,000 jackpot.
To educate and entertain audiences, FOX created an animated content series on Social Media where we showed the history and origins of “Slot Machines” and “Lucky Cherries”. Through beautifully designed motion graphics and clever animations, audiences were transported through time with these captivating pieces.
To hook our audience’s attention, each piece began with a comical introduction freestyled by none other than our host of the show, Jason Biggs.
After teeing-up these historical trivia animations with our star talent, we jumped right into the content, which featured yearly milestones and interesting factoids about each subject. These sections were then brought to life through beautifully animated infographics that helped convey the information and retain our viewers’ attention throughout the entire piece.
After each section, we transitioned to the next milestone using a slot machine visual effect initiated by a 3D modeled pull bar, to help reflect the show’s visuals and gameplay mechanics. We then ended on a CTA from Jason, encouraging audiences to tune in and watch the show.
This content series hit the jackpot with audiences and ultimately helped drive 1.5 Million multiplatform viewers to watch CHERRIES WILD increasing +22% vs. its Live + Same Day viewership.