The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards

Youtooz Community

Entered in Online Community


We want to give consumers a voice on the internet. Through our social media channels, we aim to connect consumers with the creators they love and follow, turning the joy of internet culture into amazing products that people love. We pride ourselves in our open community free of judgment, discussing the newest memes, YouTube channels, and all of the best moments of the internet. Our community inspires us. They inform our products, drive the experience, and spread joy across the internet. We know that social media is the key to connecting with our audience; the internet is where they are most engaged. So we took to these channels to establish our presence and build our community where they thrive.

Strategy and Execution

Our team created Todd, Youtooz’s characterization across social channels. Todd is an animated figure that connects with our audience, runs giveaways, and understands all things internet culture. He is the face of the Youtooz brand and the gateway to our online community. 

Todd actively engages with our followers regularly. They connect to share thoughts, ideas for the brand, and discuss trending moments online. When Todd first started his Twitter account, he asked fans to create the banner to be featured on his profile. With hundreds of replies, Todd showed us his ability to spark creativity online and build a dedicated community. 

Todd has his finger on the pulse of all things internet culture, sharing updates on the latest trends and most anticipated drops. With Todd as the face of Youtooz, he announces launches, shares memes, and has frequent contests that our most loyal followers join. Todd is unique because he doesn’t just represent the Youtooz brand, he is a member of the Youtooz community. He understands our followers, and with him we come full circle between our brand and our consumers.


In the past year, Youtooz has seen an increase in growth of its online community by nearly two million new members. As the brand that unites communities and creators, turning internet culture into amazing products that people love, we pride ourselves on this thriving community. 

In 2020, Youtooz has reached over 625k Twitter followers, 915k Instagram followers, and 114k Reddit members.


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