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Special Project

Special Project
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards

Elvie: Supporting Human Milk Banks

Entered in Social Good Campaign


Pandemic panic. Lockdown restrictions. Reduced medical services. 
This past holiday season was very different from the norm – and for all the wrong reasons. 

Two particular charitable organizations that were hit hard by the challenges of 2020 were the UK-based Human Milk Foundation (HMF) and the US-based Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). In providing safe, screened, donated human milk to babies in need – especially premature or fragile infants who are at risk of life-threatening illness – their work truly saves lives, one drop at a time.

And Elvie wanted to help.

Our objectives for this campaign were twofold:

  1. AWARENESS: With fewer than one in ten people knowing about human milk banks' work, our primary objective was to raise brand and cause awareness of charities like HMF and HMBANA to further their mission of making human milk a universally accepted standard of care – and make sure our audience understood the vital work they do – to support our second objective.
  2. DONATIONS: In addition to this, we wanted to mobilize the Elvie community throughout December 2020 to do a 'little thing' of massive impact by making a monetary donation to HMF or HMBANA that Elvie would then match. That meant one more baby home for the holidays, one more family supported through premature infancy difficulties, one more person who's able to assist in their groundbreaking work in human milk science. 

Strategy and Execution

Knowledge of human milk banks is low (less than 10% of the population), and most of Elvie's community have not used them, so we needed to make this cause relatable – and meaningful – to a wider audience.

The strategic insight that we knew would resonate globally was just how tough 2020 was. But it also taught us all that it's the little things we can do to support one another that matter most and have the ability to give us a boost.

With the 'Supporting Human Milk Banks' campaign, we encouraged our community to do a ‘little thing’ with a huge impact by making a monetary donation to a Milk bank charity (in the US or UK) in December 2020. And to compel them to get involved, Elvie promised to match every pound and dollar donated to two charities - The Human Milk Foundation and HMBNA - throughout December.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we knew that digital and social channels were crucial to our success, so this was a digital-first campaign amplified through earned media outreach.

Our integrated campaign


1. Raising awareness of human milk banks

2. Measurable social impact through monetary donations


Video for Elvie: Supporting Human Milk Banks

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