The old guard of Natty included frat stars, exclusivity and dated values. Our objective in 2020 was to reimagine Natural Light for Gen Z. Gen Z is born and bred into technology that allows them to live in the moment for every single occasion. You can view the introduction of mobile tech as something that knocked down walls and created more of an undefined, fluid generation. For them, we needed to be part of culture and have a POV on everything going on.
Our approach for Gen Z was to make adulthood suck less by turning responsibilities into more sociable moments. In a time of quarantine, we made boring life fun with innovative, digitally led ideas and breaking conventional rules. We seized the opportunity of not being able to executable physical experiences to thrust Natty into the digital world and let Twitter lead the way.
Naturaly Light grew their Twitter follower growth 22% from beginning to end of 2020.
We used Twitter to drive 4.9M EARNED Digital Impressions and 300M+ PR Impressions.