Creating a variety of topical content remotely during a pandemic was tricky, but after some early wins the Comedy Central team had found a consistent groove. For this instrusctional parody video Jordan Mendoza managed to balance out actual tips with funny executions, while also highlighting our company wide #AloneTogether initiative. The video drove views, engagement and helped make #AloneTogether one of the most successful social impact initiatives of the year.
Setting this video entirely on Zoom allowed us to easily produce the content as team members worked from all over the country. The video's funny take on the instructional video genre would make it more palitable to our cynical comedy audience while actually offering some helpful guidance. Specifically that right now it's important to work from home if you can and here are some ways to make that more manageable. By incorporating the #AloneTogether hashtag it allowed this post to become part of a cross brand ViacomCBS initiative.
The video was a resounding success doing more than 600K views on Instagram, 149K+ on TikTok and 440K on Twitter. It drove great engagement with overwhelmingly positive feedback and became one of our biggest hits of the #AloneTogether campaign.