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Special Project

Special Project
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards

Fighting Child Exploitation with Big Data

Entered in Branded Content



We live in the third Industrial Revolution, where the most powerful force is not money, but data. Data is empowering us to do what was previously impossible and what used to be too complex. The data is there-- but how to access, manipulate, and apply it correctly is a whole other matter. That's where Palantir comes in. 

Palantir's specializes in big data analytics, helping the world's most important institutions use their data to solve their most urgent problems.  

Palantir partnered with Freethink to showcase how its solutions are data agnostic (capable of making sense of data in tens of thousands of structured and unstructured formats) and can translate across complicated, high-level partnerships with multiple stakeholders. 


Strategy and Execution


Freethink produced a custom documentary that demonstrated how the real-life application of software solutions made literal life-changing breakthroughs possible, through a complicated network of law enforcement, international governments, and good samaritans. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) goes through ten thousands of images, videos, chats, of exploited children, review this data, and qualify them to inform law enforcement to help make arrests. Palantir's team of software engineers have develop a tool to help overwhelmed analysts find children who are currently being sexually exploited.  

Up until a few years ago, the typical approach to solving crimes involving child pornography has been to have analysts pour over thousands of images and videos – many of them duplicates and content from closed cases – and then send that information to law enforcement. With artificial intelligence, analysts can use software to triage the data such that they’re looking at the most important cases first and then use other artificial intelligence tools to find insights in the data to send tips to law enforcement so they can make arrests more quickly. Palantir’s data solution has allowed NCMEC to reduce the amount of time it takes to get a child predator arrested from, on average, six months, to as little as a few hours.

By unpacking complex stories about innovative technology through a simple mission that everyone can get behind (saving exploited children), Freethink was able to deliver instant insight to Palantir's mission and capacity, while inspiring the imagination for what it could do for future partners. 

The video production was supplemented with a robust distribution plan, with customized and targeted campaigns across social media. We implemented SEO optimization, created series art, dedicated articles, customized cutdowns and clips; we published across news partners, niche online communities, newsletters and contributed real-time comment responses to encourage conversation. Through the campaign, we measured and fine-tune tactics to optimize where the video was organically performing well to boost performance. 



The documentary was an engrossing hit, with nearly 700,000 views and 32% of them being completed views on a 6:30 video on the internet. That engaged performance for a long form content is notable in a crowded media landscape and competing sources for attention. 

The breakdown of innovative artificial intelligence application and custom technological solutions was made humane and relatable through the interviews between software engineers, organizational leaders, Interpol officers and federal agents who were all working together in this noble mission. Even though it was branded content, our built-in Freethink audience was captivated by the video. We were able to identify the most powerful Palantir story and frame it in a way that would capture our tech-enthusiast audience, and they delivering the highest engagement and completion rates among other targeted groups. This proves that Freethink is able to tell brand stories that educate, entertain and engage our audience. 

Comments from viewers were overwhelmingly positive, praising the mission-critical and mission-driven work. Many viewers shared their appreciation for the work between Palantir and NCMC, how impressed they were by the employees, and more importantly, an interest for getting involved and working for the companies-- the branded content providing an additional benefit of higher visibility for future recruitments. 


Video for Fighting Child Exploitation with Big Data

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Freethink Media, Palantir


Entry Credits