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Special Project

Special Project
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards

ElectroCraft Pandemic Response to our Employees and Partners

Entered in Community or Employee Engagement


In the very first uncertain days of the Pandemic lockdown, ElectroCraft understood that this was a significant event for the World, and our Global and Local employees.  However, as an essential manufacturer of motors and motion control equipment used directly in the medical field hit hardest by the pandemic, we knew we would have to find a way to help our employees and our partners survive through the unprecedented crisis.

ElectroCraft employees and management put together this short video to give hope to our partners, employees, and the medical and first responder community that ElectroCraft would rise to the occasion and find a way.   They did.  

-ElectroCraft supported and continued relationships with supply partners who were shut down.
-They implemented safety protocols and staggered shifts to keep running.
-Provided employee services to help with those unable to work, and re-assigned at risk employees.
-In the end, they made good on the commitment that they expressed in this video.

....These difficult times were indeed a defining moment for how we work together to solve problems.

This employee made video laid out our commitment and was meant to offer assurance to our employees, partners, and the medical industries ElectroCraft supports.

Strategy and Execution

The strategy was simple.  Make a video describing the ElectroCraft commitment, add it to the website and facebook.

This was done to offer assurance and hope, as we note later, it went viral and our social team remarketed it on their Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter Channels.  




The video was a significant source of relief, hope and commitment to ElectroCraft employees, parnters, and the critical industries they support in the fight against the pandemic.   The commitment expressed in the video in the earliest days of the global shutdown seemed to strike a note and was shared, and reshared... and so on.  The media group New Media Consulting remarketed.  In the end, this internally. made video received more than 8 Milliion Impression/Views

8 Million views from a simple internal video that was made to offer hope to employees, partners, and the medical community.   



Video for ElectroCraft Pandemic Response to our Employees and Partners

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